Thursday, September 6, 2012

say you love me

i am ready for you anytime,
miracles happen whenever i see you,
dump your unfaithful construction worker,
he gets jealous whenever i raise my hand,
greets me no more.
did you tell him how you feel?
chatting with you a little--
has become a heinous crime.
maybe i should look the other way,
each time you walk my direction.
our neighbourhood is scandalous,
people mind not their business nowadays,
i encourage you to do the same,
say you love me every day,
i would be wrong if you were engaged,
having a child to raise means not,
waiting for a man's support.

how could you?

i met a lot of beauties but,you top them all.
wonder why you chose me amongst  men,
your smile shakes the earth,
careless whisperers want to steal our love,
my funky hairdo had nothing to do with rhem,
how could you fall for that envious friend of mine?
I wont trade you for anythting,
not even a bag full of gold sand.