Thursday, December 25, 2014


She's said to be still in love with you but,
The feeling is no longer there.
Things happen around you that makes you doubt--
that you have a life together.
Seemingly those things,
Those warnings makes you want her even more.
The problem is when you get to call her,
Her usually melodic voice is now flatter than a choked bird.
You know, the type that was unable to carefully swallow a sweetpea.
Now you feel bittersweet like a sour worm.
The type that has been neatly packaged by a sweet factory.
All you get to ask is;
'Do you still love me?'
Some days when she's with you--
she just agreely nods.
Others she reply you with a question;
'Do you truly have any reason to doubt me?'
When you don't get a straight reply,
When her body language is like of another man,
When you know that all you need to hang around with--
is a woman,
Call that relationship off because all signs are there--
that it's no more worth investing your time and energy on.